How to Use Tutorial

How To Make a Phone Call

Making a Phone Call by using this Digital Business Card or Best E-Card is very easy.You just need to click on “Phone” icon and your call will be ready to connect with automatically typed phone number.

Start Whatsapp chat without saving number

Now, initiate WhatsApp Chat without saving the number, yes, this is correct. Just click on “WhatsApp Chat” button and the window will be opened directly with the number.

send email with single click

You do not need to type the e-mail ID of the recipient instead you just need to click on “Mail” icon and you will be redirected to your e-mail app by having the recipient’s email automatically.

no need to type address in google map

Imagine how easy it is that you are on Google Map with automatically entered the complete location address and you just have to follow the Google Map.

To do this you just need to click on “Map” icon and you will be redirected to Google Map.

share this e-card with anyone with ease

There are multiple options to share your Digital Business Card with anyone by choosing any option out of WhatsApp, E-Mail and SMS. This is just easy as never before.

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